Hi Helmar fans~I'm so excited to bring you my project~it's a little bit funky, a little bit shabby and little bit rock'n roll ~ you'll see what I mean! So lets get to glueing~
no.1 ~ is showing how Helmar can rock'n roll with the best of them!! In my humble opinion 450 Quick Dry is the star quaterback for Helmar~just say'n!!
no.2 & 3 ~ cover your spool and glue it to the small plate.
no.4 ~ cut a circle out of the fabric you are going to use for the pin cushion~about 1/2" bigger than the jello mold {what I used}. Using Helmar 450 Quick Dry glue one side down to the jello mold, let it take hold a few minutes, then do the opposite side, then one end ~ then stuff with Poly-Fil and glue end down.
no.5~glue all pieces together to make your three tier pretty.
no. 6~I added felt flowers, ribbon and pearl stick pins ~ just makes my heart beat fast!!
I hope you enjoyed this and let me know if you agree with me about the quaterback comment~have a wonderful day, use your Helmar glue and be crafty~see ya soon!! By: C. Mercer