Hi Helmar Lovers,
It's Krisy back to share my creation today. This month I was given the theme "Wedding". My first thought was to create a memory box but that involved pulling the shoe box out of the top of the cupboard that currently holds all our wedding bits I saved and that task seemed too hard.
Then I remembered I had a some left over material from my dress that would be perfect to create a memory frame.
My wedding dress was not your traditional white dress. This project would work with your white fabrics you may just have to use your theme colour behind it to make it show up but it all depends on your fabric. My fabric was Royal Stewart Tartan. I lived in Scotland prior to getting married, my husband had Scottish heritage and I believe this is where my heart belongs. So my husband and I decided we would have a Scottish wedding. Our invitations had a thistle wax seal, my husband and all the groomsmen and bridesmen (I didn't have any maids) all wore kilts and I wore a tartan dress. People had their doubts but it was awesome and everyone comments how unique it was.
Here is a picture of the bridal party:
Anyways on to my project:
Here it is here:
I decided that I could do a silhouette and this would showcase the actual tartan rather than just a photo of it. So, I chose two photos that I thought had good silhouettes and got on with it.
To create this project you will need
A frame - size will depend on the size of the photo you choose to use
A photo that has a good silhouette
Exacto knife
Contrasting cardstock - all depends on your theme/colour
Helmars Acid Free Professional Glue
I also used some chipboard numbers and letters to add the date but this is optional.
First thing make sure your photo fits in your frame. I thought I would do a head shot to start with but it wasn't distinct enough and it could have been anyone so I decided to go with a full silhouette of my husband and I walking arm in arm.
Then using your exacto knife, trim out the image. Make sure you don't cut into the image and keep as true as you can. This does take time.
Once your image is cut out, turn it over and trace it in reverse on the reverse of your contrasting cardstock. Mine was black. The reason you do it in reverse is so you don't have to rub out any pencil marks and risk ripping your hard work.
Once you have traced your outline onto your cardstock, using your exacto knife cut out the image. This is the hard part done.
Next pull apart your frame and using the paper inside it as a guide cut a piece of cardstock the same size.
Then glue your silhoutee over the top of your fabric backed piece. And pop it in your frame. If you want to add your date, do this before putting it in the frame using your Helmars Professional Acid Free Glue.
And that is it. A really nice way to capture your memories and display them.
Thanks for looking today I hope I have inspired you to record some of your memories.
Krisy xx